Screening Location: 4584 Vine Hill Rd, Excelsior, MN 55331
2024-25 Registration is being accepted on a space available basis.
Junior Explorers is sponsored though Minnetonka Community Education and offers a flexible, high-quality childcare program for preschool-aged children.
Adult Recreational Archery
Adult Sailing
group discussions for young adults (age 30 and under) navigating the world of adulthood
Art, crafts, home decor... let's create something!
theatre, sporting events, field trips, community events
Purchase your Firecracker Run apparel and merchandise online today!
Purchase your Tour de Tonka apparel and merchandise online today!
Minnetonka Preschool Knit Hat
Minnetonka Middle School West Finale: Friday, April 25, 6:30-8pm
Minnetonka Middle School East Finale: Friday, May 2, 6:30-8pm
Come and check out your new middle school and have a blast dancing, taking pictures in the photo booth, playing games and bouncing on the inflatables - all while meeting future sixth-grade classmates.
Join us for the fourteenth annual Fifth-Grade Finale! The event will start promptly at 6:30 pm and will end at 8 pm.
**This is a drop-off event. Fifth graders only. Parents, please come pick up your child from the cafeteria promptly at 8 pm.
Concessions: Concessions are available at the event. Items and prices will be available soon.
Chaperones Needed!
If you're interested in volunteering as a parent chaperone, please use this link to sign up for a volunteer placement:
MMW Finale Parent Chaperone
MME Finale Parent Chaperone
Online registration will close at 1pm on the day of the Finale. At the door registration ($12) will be available starting at 6:30pm.
As you prepare your child for this event, please know that there will be loud music and many students in attendance. Throughout the event, there will be large group activities, such as dancing, dodgeball games and inflatables, as well as quieter options including a movie room and an art space.
Youth Development Council