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Youth Academic Support / Correspondence Courses -
Summer 2025

Looking to continue your learning this summer? GRASP will help you retain your math and/or reading skills this summer. Only one hour a week will get you ready for school in the fall.

GRASP (Grand Rapids Academic Summer Program) is a 9-week correspondence program that helps you retain math and/or reading skills during summer vacation. Lessons are completed, mailed or emailed to a scoring center and returned to you.

This correspondence program can accompany you on your summer travels!

Lessons take approximately one hour per week to complete.

Instruction sheets in each packet provide all the necessary information for parents to help their children.


Online (emailed): $39/ one subject; $69/ two subjects (same child). The option is only available for students entering grades 5-8 in Fall 2025. Paper Booklet (mailed): $39/ one subject; $69/ two subjects (same child).


Our program is uniquely designed to provide encouragement and reinforcement to students over the summer by providing feedback weekly, providing help on problem areas and awarding successful work. Using the GRASP materials helps students recall information learned during the school year over the summer. The student is ready to start the next school year without losing essential skills and thought processes.

Registration Deadline: Sunday, May 11th

Math & Reading: Online


Math Only: Online


Math Only: Paper Booklet


Reading Only: Online


Reading Only: Paper Booklet
