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Writing Short Stories: Mastering the Craft of Short Form Storytelling

Adult Enrichment / Career & Personal Development -
Fall 2024

Writing short stories is a great way to break into writing. And there’s a huge market today for short stories of all kinds, from literary fiction to sci-fi, horror, and more.

Whether you want to write fictional stories or real-life stories, there are some important elements to include that make a story work well and resonate with readers. This course will cover those elements, help writers get started writing right away, and help them put into practice everything we discuss. Each week we will cover some key principles in short story writing and do some writing practice, and students will have a chance to share their work and receive feedback. This class is for anyone who loves to write, dreams of writing and hasn’t gotten started, or has enjoyed writing in the past and wants to return to it. Seasoned and new writers alike can enjoy sharing their work and learning from one another.

Jayna Locke

Jayna Locke is a Minnesota writer who has had a lifelong love of fiction. Her short stories have appeared in a range of literary journals, including Great Lakes Review, Portage Magazine, and Bright Flash Literary Review, as well as several anthologies. Her collection of short stories, Somewhere in Minnesota, is available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Kirk House Publishers. In addition to writing her own stories, she loves to teach the craft of fiction writing, and has been coaching writers and writing articles on the craft of writing for over five years. She is reachable through her contact form at or on X at

45-569-F11 Closed

  Jayna Locke

Minnetonka Community Education Center : 206 Greenwood Room
Tuesdays, Sep 10 - Dec 17
6:00 - 9:00 PM

  No Class Nov 5


Min Age   18 yr.

Price: $ 125 00

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