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Fall Color Photography

Youth Enrichment / Art -
Fall 2024

Learn how to take photos that tell a story, show emotion, or serve as a reminder of an important event. Explore photography in nature, moving objects, urban environments and people. Digital camera required.

They say a story is worth a 1000 words. We will explore photographing nature, moving subjects, urban environments, and people. Each session will consist of a 15-30 minutes of an instructional period followed by 60 minutes for shooting. We will then conclude with a 15-30 minute review of the images that were captured during the shoot. 

We will begin with some composition tips and ideas for capturing some interesting fall color photos. We will then explore the area around the school to capture some of the changing leaves.

Equipment needed: 

1. Any digital camera that allows for manual setting of aperture, iso, and shutter speed. 

2. Tripod 

3. Comfortable footwear since we will be walking around and standing during the shooting portion of the program.

45-272-PH4 Closed

  Frozen Hiker Photography

Minnetonka Community Education Center : 211 Makerspace
Tuesday, Oct 8
4:00 - 6:00 PM


Grades   5th - 8th

Price: $ 59 00

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