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3 Results

  • College Planning 101

    It’s hard to overestimate the value of a college education. But, as you know, it can come with a hefty price tag and a considerable amount of debt. While choosing the right college is important, figuring out how to pay for it may be just as important. You can help by financially supporting whatever path your loved one chooses. We want to prepare you to navigate the cost of college without risking your retirement.
  • Life After Work: Retirement Planning

    Learn how to transition from work life to retired life in this educational workshop. Whether you plan to stop work all at once or ease into retirement by working part-time, at some point you will need to arrange for multiple sources of income to replace your paycheck. What do you need to think about as you transition from work life to retirement? Where will your income come from? How can you make it last? At this workshop you will learn: Why you need a retirement income plan 6 questions to ask before you retire How to determine how much income you will need in retirement The 4 primary sources of retirement income 4 popular withdrawal strategies and the pros and cons of each How retirement income is taxed 5 tax planning strategies in retirement A retirement income action plan
  • mitchell hannan (flickr) (CC BY 2.0)

    Tax Strategies Essentials

    Achieve the financial clarity you need to focus on what matters to you. A Thrivent Financial Professional will provide you with general information about the impact income taxes could have on your financial decisions. Using this information, we can identify potential ways to revise your strategy so that it’s structured to make the most of your tax situation.